After spending a fantastic year at the Washington Post, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve accepted a position at Vox Media, where I’ll be helping Ezra Klein launch a new website focused on explanatory journalism. I’ll be focusing on the same tech policy topics I previously covered for the Washington Post.
Working at the Washington Post has been an honor. I’m grateful to Andrea Peterson and Brian Fung for making the blog we started together, the Switch, a success. And I want to especially thank my boss, Greg Schneider, for giving me a unique opportunity to create something new at the Washington Post. Greg is deeply dedicated to the Post and to the journalists who report to him. The Post is lucky to have him. I’m looking forward to seeing where he takes the Switch and Wonkblog in the coming months.
I won’t have anywhere to write between now and the time the new Vox site launches, so expect sporadic posts here in the next few weeks.